WordPress Is About Community, Westwerk Is Too
WordPress is an incredible platform, powering over 25 percent of the web. From intranets to ecommerce, it boasts thousands of feature-rich plugins, has great documentation and is entirely free! Amongst the many amazing things WordPress is known for, one benefit that can be easily overlooked is the awesome community that WordPress is built upon.
The WordPress community is so passionate that WordCamps all around the world exist solely to spread the knowledge of the beloved platform from speakers who devote their time for free. WordCamp speakers know that by sharing their experiences, they can help solidify other developers’ skills, which ultimately strengthens the community as a whole.
Here at Westwerk, we believe in werking for a positive impact, including giving back our time to the community. I recently got involved by volunteering my time at a local college to teach students about the many benefits of WordPress. I conducted a three-part series, covering the following topics:
- Creating a WordPress theme from HTML/CSS
- How ACF allows clients to update custom data dynamically
- Implementing custom post types and custom taxonomies
The students absorbed a lot in a short amount of time, but more importantly they got a better look at the power of WordPress from a client’s perspective. It was a pleasure working with each of them, and even more rewarding because I was able to give back to the college I attended several years prior.
Additionally, I will be speaking at the upcoming WordCamp Minneapolis. If you’re attending make sure to stop by my session “Making WordPress Even More AWSome” or head over to Westwerk for the official after-party and say hello!